Variable are used to store the
value such as string, numeric or function results, so that they can be used
many times in script. You can declare the $ dollar sign before the variable
name. This is require to make the PHP parser faster, as it instantly knows
whenever it comes across a variable. The variable syntax is given below.
$variable name=value;
The string variable is used to
store the string value that can enclose with the double quote such as
$value =200;
echo "the value is ".$value;
Numeric variable
Just name indication the
numeric variable van used to store the numeric value they cannot store the
string value such as.
$value =200;
echo "the value is ".$value;
Variable naming rule
A variable name must start with a letter or underscore
“ _
variable name can only contain alpha-numeric character and underscores (a-z,A-Z,0-9 and-)
A variable name should not contain the
space. If a variable name is more than one word it should be separated with underscore
($first_name), or with capitalization ($firstName).
A Variable cannot start without the dollar
PHP automatically converts the
variable to the correct data type, depending how they are set.