

Saturday, 4 July 2015

How to install wamp server on window

WAMP stand for the Window Apache MySQL.These abbreviations describe a fully functioning setup used for developing dynamic internet web pages. WAMP come in the form of a package that binds the bundled programs together so that you don’t have to install and set them up separately. This means you can easy download and install and develop the webpage. But for developing and testing websites and applications one of these installations should be entirely sufficient. The basic installation of WAMP is given below.
           1   Run the setup of WAMP exe. click the next.                                                                                                                   

   2  Select the i accept agreement click the next.

           3  Select the folder location where you want to install and click next

     4 Select the additional task to perform such as

     5 Click the install and complete the process and finish 

There are some problem can occur after install the WAMP because a port is blocked, this means that either a firewall you have running is preventing to access.   To check the port                                                                  
1.       Start the WAMP.
2.       Click the Apache and then go Service.

3.       Click the Test Port 80 such as

After complete installation you can run the first program of PHP.
1.       Open the editor such as Dreamweaver and click the PHP.
2.       Write the code given below.
echo “hello this is my first program in php:”;
3.       You can save the program with extension .php such as first.php in www folder.
PHP start with <?php and end with ?>.PHP scripting block can be  place anywhere in the document .Each code line in PHP must end with the semicolon. The echo statement is used for output text in PHP.
Comments in PHP
Comments are used for general purpose to understanding the program .it has two type // single line and /*  */ multiline comment.
// single line comment
/* this is the multiline
 Comment */
