

Saturday, 4 July 2015

PHP Function

PHP functions are similar to other programming languages. A function is a piece of code which takes one more input in the form of parameter and does some processing and returns a value. Each function has a unique name and set of statement to perform the specific task. Functions declare in PHP with function keyword. Functions are useful because they contribute to rapid, reliable, error-reducing coding and increase legibility by tiding up complicated code sequences. They are two types in PHP.
   1. Built in Functions
   2. User Define Functions

1. Built in Functions

We can use many functions in programming.  these Functions only use for available. We cannot give definition for these Functions because this only define by PHP developer. In the PHP Programming we always use these Function when we need to perform for any special task. These Functions is already defined in PHP Library.
For Example:
       Phpinfo( ), include( )

2. User Define Functions:
Use defines Functions created by the programmer. These type of Functions user can give any name in PHP Programming. We cannot use any space in the Functions name and after of Functions name we must define brace “ (     )” which is symbol of Functions. A function will not execute immediately when a page loads. A Function  will be execute by a call to the function.

Syntax :
Function function-name(  )
Body of function;
Function helloo( )
echo “this is first program in function ”;
helloo( );

PHP Function with Arguments:
Information can be passed to Function through arguments. An argument is just like variable. Argument are specified after the function name and inside the parentheses.
Program :
function family($fname)    //argument
echo “$fname refsnes.<br>”;
PHP Function with return type

This is used to return the type of data.
Function sum($x, $y)
$z= $+$y;
return $z;
echo “5 +10 =” .sum( 5,10).”<br/>”;
echo “15 +10 =” .sum( 15,10);

Here Video Provide 

