

Saturday, 4 July 2015

PHP Cloning object

In any complex object orient PHP Program, there are situation that copies of objects. Objects are often designed mutable which means they contain state information that can change. We can create copy of an existing object. This is very useful feature of OOP. In the clone object we can make copy of any Object at run time.


For example we have an object which has any account detail of any person and we want to use this object to new account then we cannot do this. First of all we have to make copy this object as new account.


$abc=new Account ();

In above we can understand first of all we make any object ($abc ) of class and we can copy this object ( $abc) to new object ($zxy) in simple method.
PHP provide new method for copy object. We can use method “ Clone “ for create duplicate Object


$object1=new user();
$object1->name= "admin";
echo "object1 name is=".$object1->name."<br>";
echo "object2 name is=".$object2->name;
class user
public $name;
Here Video Tutorial