

Thursday, 23 April 2015

How To Associate Videos with Google Adsense-2015

How To Associate Videos with Google Adsense?

Now we'd associate our videos with Google adsense program. Simply go through following instructions

1. Go to Channel Settings → Monetization.

google adsence

2. There are six more options to operate with monetization program, hit on 5th one(How will i be paid?) and there is a link says associate an Adsense account. Click on this link and proceed.

3. Now you'd see Proclamation of Monetization to link your existence Google adsense account or create a new one. Simply click Next to proceed 

. On the first option of Google adsense application says Select your Google Account you can proceed either with you existence Google Account or create a new account. As part of demo we'd go through an existence Google account but if you like to create a new account then you have to create a simple Google account adopting the way we use to create a Gmail account. So click Yes Proceed to Google Account Sign In

4. Now the option for Tell us about your content simply click Continue.

5. Now for the most important part Submit your Adsense application you've to provide your correct information to let Google adsense contact you later and adopting this address Google will send you Pin. So fill the form with your correct information and finally hit Submit my Application.

6. You'd be redirected to your YouTube page and it will say Adsense account is on review to pending the confirmation

7. Anyway on the basis of your Country/Territory Google may take delay to approve your account, i.e for the US it may take up to 1 hour to approve adsense account. If you living to South Asia it may take 6-12 hours to confirm application and approve account.

8. However once your account is approved you'll be mailed thoroughly from Google Adsense team that you're fully approved.